Selamawit came to the United States from Eritrea with her fiancé. When the abuse started, she had nowhere else to go and no family to help her. While riding the bus a woman asked her if she was ok and Selamawit broke down, telling her that she felt hopeless and had no options. The woman told her about Sarah’s… an Oasis for Women, started by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and supported by the Ministries Foundation, and gave her a number to call.
Sarah's... an Oasis for Women is a home dedicated to the safety and dignity of a diverse community of women who have survived violence, abuse, torture, war, discrimination, and trauma. The residents of Sarah's begin new and productive lives through programs that build self-esteem, self-sufficiency, confidence, determination, and community.
When Selamawit arrived at Sarah’s she was welcomed with open arms and felt that she had finally found a home. While at Sarah’s she obtained a work visa, got a job at Cretin-Durham Hall, and enrolled in college classes. She is now a United States Citizen and owns her own home.
If Sarah's was not there, I don't know what my life would have been. I didn't have anybody. You are always told at Sarah's that you are good enough, you are a good woman. That gives you power to know you have a future and you can do this. I wouldn't be here if it was not for Sarah's.